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RAYCON D+ MX (Intelligent X-ray inspection system for packaged products)

  • Conformity & Accuracy: The RAYCON D+ MX offers detection accuracy from 0.6 mm, better than the IFS requirement. 
  • Safety for people & product: The legal limit of 1 mSv/a is clearly undercut at every point. 
  • Simple operating concept: Thanks to the Auto-Learn function, no specific prior knowledge is required. 
  • Sophisticated hygiene concept: Open, modular design as well as tool-free access to the conveyor area for easy cleaning. 
  • Efficiency in all areas: High belt speeds and multi-lane inspection on up to four parallel lines. 
  • Reliable and fast service: Lifetime warranty package and remote service via Teamviewer / Pilot app, among others.

The new RAYCON D+ MX

Our X-ray systems have been specially developed for use in the food industry and reliably detect foreign bodies such as metals, as well as glass, ceramics, stones, raw bones, PVC and many other product defects. Through this precise inspection, conformity with all important guidelines of the food industry such as IFS, BRC or FSSC 22000 is fulfilled and reliable protection against complaints and recalls can be ensured.

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