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X-Color QC


Organize and control color data for all types of surfaces, coatings, and materials in a single, flexible platform with X-Color QC, a new generation of color management technology from X-Rite.

  • Combines centralized data management with process control and procedural automation
  • Is easy to setup and configure but flexible enough to model customer practices, workflows, and user roles
  • Allows large volumes of data to be easily managed, identified, and selected for detailed analysis
  • Allows participation in color supply chains in multiple markets [automotive, coatings, plastics] and across multiple materials
  • Is built upon the latest software technologies, allowing for future expansion and easier support
  • Combines tolerancing with compliance verification and color communication
  • Document architecture [CxF] compliments database
  • Incorporates xDNA technology for controlling metallic and effect pigments



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