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Raycon D+ MX


The RAYCON D+ MX x-ray inspection system is a cutting-edge solution tailored for the food industry. With the capability to detect a wide spectrum of foreign bodies, including metals, glass, ceramics, and more, it ensures product quality and compliance with industry standards like ifs, brc, and fssc 22000. The system’s advanced features, such as the “Zone-analyzer” Software for detailed zone analysis and multi-lane inspection capabilities, contribute to its efficiency and versatility. Additionally, its hygienic design, user-friendly operation, and emphasis on radiation safety make it a reliable and comprehensive solution for food manufacturers seeking top-tier inspection technology.


Benefits Of X-Ray Inspection System:

  • The raycon d+ mx x-ray inspection system is designed for the food industry to detect various foreign bodies.
  • X-ray inspection system can identify metals, glass, stones, ceramics, bones, rubber, teflon, pvc, and more.
  • The x-ray inspection system “Zone-analyzer” Software enables separate counting and weighing for each zone in an x-ray image.
  • The x-ray inspection system allows simultaneous inspection on up to four production lines, improving efficiency.
  • X-ray inspection system compliance with food industry standards like ifs, brc, or fssc 22000 is ensured.
  • The x-ray inspection system’s design prioritizes hygiene with an open modular design for easy access and cleaning.
  • X-ray inspection system offers user-friendly operation through a large touchscreen and an auto-learn function.
  • Radiation safety is maintained with minimized x-ray inspection system radiation for operators and automatic shutdown features.
  • X-ray inspection system high detection accuracy is achieved, surpassing requirements (0.6 mm stainless steel).
  • Traceability of the x-ray inspection system is ensured with a complete logbook and optional image archiving.
  • The x-ray inspection system is ul/csa certified and constructed with materials suitable for the food industry.
  • X-ray inspection system is reliable, efficient, and suitable for high belt speeds, offering a lifetime warranty package.
  • Service of the x-ray inspection system includes fast support, spare parts packages, remote capabilities, and customer-specific training.


Advantages Of X-Ray Inspection System:

Versatile detection: The x-ray inspection system detects a wide range of foreign bodies, including metals, glass, ceramics, bones, rubber, and more.

Zone analysis: The “Zone-analyzer” Software of x-ray inspection system allows separate counting and weighing for each zone, enhancing sensitivity.

Multi-lane inspection: X-ray inspection system simultaneous inspection on up to four lines improves efficiency in production.

Compliance assurance: The x-ray inspection system stem adheres to industry standards like ifs, brc, or fssc 22000, ensuring regulatory compliance.

Hygienic design: An open modular design of x-ray inspection system facilitates easy access for cleaning without the need for tools, maintaining hygiene.

User-friendly operation: The x-ray inspection system features a large touchscreen and an auto-learn function for intuitive and easy operation.

Radiation safety: X-ray inspection system radiation for operators is minimized (less than 0.1 μsv/h), with automatic shutdown when the cover is opened.

High detection accuracy: The x-ray inspection system achieves accuracy of 0.6 mm for stainless steel, exceeding industry requirements.

Traceability: Complete logbook and optional image archiving ensure optimal traceability of inspected products.

Certification: Ul/csa certification and construction with food-grade materials guarantee suitability for the food industry.

Reliability: Durable core components, automatic detection of x-ray source lifetime, and suitability for high belt speeds contribute to x-ray inspection system reliability.

Lifetime warranty: The x-ray inspection system comes with a lifetime warranty package, providing long-term assurance.

Efficient service: Fast and reliable service with x-ray inspection system, spare parts packages, remote capabilities, and customer-specific training enhance system efficiency.

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